Radikally Different - Our World View

webinale 2016

Webinale 2016

28 May, 16 News,

Held in Berlin, Germany this is a completely web oriented conference that will take place from 29th May to 2nd June 2016.

This holistic web conference will be taking place from tomorrow 29th May, 2016. Around 52 speakers will be engaged in addressing on CSS, Animation and web transformation related topics.

Day 1

Workshop Sessions will start at 9am. There are ongoing workshops that will be held before a presentation on financial technology services is made by Tobias Zander, CTO at the FinTech startup.

webinale 2016

Four workshops will be held from 9 am to 5pm.

1st workshop (which has been named as Power Workshop) CSS Layout for the Modern Web will be presented by Rachel Andrew (from Bristol, England), a seasoned writer, public speaker, web developer and Director of ‘edgeofmyseat.com’.

Rachel’s workshop is an extremely progressive session that will discuss CSS skills and latest CSS modules . Demonstrations on emerging tenchnolgies will be made in order to engage participants in a sound understanding of coding and aligned designing skills.

2nd Power Workshop named as ‘Power Workshop: Natural User Interface Design Workshop’ will be carried forward by Wolfgang Henseler, a popular UI expert from Berlin. His presentation will involve user interfaces and Natural User Interfaces (NUIs) that are applied on smartphone, computers and tablets. Design elements and details will be communicated by Mr. Henseler.

Practical examples, current issues and illustrations on responsive and intuitive interactive designs used in apps and websites will be discussed in his workshop.

Anyone involved in app and web design interfaces will gain from the workshop.

3rd workshop, ‘New techniques and challenges for Responsive Design’ will be presented by Peter Kroner. There would be demonstrations on latest challenges in responsive design. The workshop is slated to highlight problems surrounding responsive web design and discuss with participants the latest web ideas and standards that solve problems.

4th workshop session has been termed as ‘Power Workshop: Graphic Modules and animations with PS + Ai + CSS + SVG’. The eight hour long session would be managed by Jonas Hellwig. There would be varying range of illustrations and discussions on coding techniques, graphic programs, complex design options, Photoshop and Illustrator. Participants would benefit greatly from the discussion as it would delve deeply into style guides, robust design elements, high-end graphic elements in web design.

The discussion panel would also discuss on CSS animations, techniques and transformations. These areas would be discussed in line with Adobe Creative Cloud and its web capabilities.

All participants are requested to bring their notebook with a code editor of choice, Google Chrome, Photoshop and Illustrator. This would help them in carrying out their live workouts of the examples demonstrated on the sessions.

Final Session

A demonstrative session on financial technology services (FinTech) will be carried out by Tobias Zander, CTO at the FinTech startup. He is all set to impart overviews on current technologies in the FinTech world. He would also talk the downsides involved in financial data as he would also explain how strict regulations and the penalties can ruin a whole company running on financial data.